BTS Corporation 
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Recently, it is not obtaining it for a global business because of development with resolute IT industry as the business only in the home country is inevitable evolution... This is accomplished, and moreover, it captures, a lot of new industries are born one after another, and bewildering development is accomplished with the business opportunity.

The region was not limited like a current business but to exceed the region, and to make customer's needs an embodiment with the development of a new Internet business that exceeded the world, BTS was born. We discover a new creation of every day the possibility with the link in the new world of Internet well informed of a different language and the restriction, and inventing a new possibility.

Company name BTS Corporation (Business Trend System Corporation)
Address: 6543 E. Spring Street Long Beach, CA 90808
Representative: Walter Sandobal
Dealings bank:
  • Californina Bank & Trust
  • WellsFargo Bank
make contact Tel: 050-5806-8886 ・310-324-9003 / Fax: 949-752-7737
Service list:
  • ASP overseas animation download service
  • Overseas ASP live chat service
  • Overseas subsidiary establishment agency
  • Hosting service
  • Animation encode service
  • Overseas investment consulting
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親切丁寧なカスタマーサポートをご利用下さい。   情報及びデジタル商材(著作物・著作権)の権利証明『米国著作権登録』もお任せください。
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