BTS Corporation 
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BTSでは、独自動画タイトルを既に2,000本以上保有しており、毎月50本以上のタ イトルが追加ラインナップされています。その中でも厳選されたお好きな動画を 指定していただくことで、動画の制作・編集作業を米国にて実施することが可能 です。
Animation encoding service

In BTS, I have already held an original animation title more than 2,000 of them, and titles more than 50 of them are done an additional lineup of every month. I can carry out production / the editing work of the animation in U.S.A. by having you appoint the favorite animation that it was selected carefully in that. I offer the encoding service of the animation as "the professional latest encoding" based on the conventional results and know-how.

※ The animation encoding is the work that I digitize the picture contents that I record it, and is kept by picture tape, and compression converts into a form suitable for the animation pictures such as VOD systems for animation delivery / animation joint ownership on WEB, enterprises.
※ I can have you choose you freely more than the many titles which BTS offers.

■Animation production expense

Item contents logo price(One title)
production / editing cost wmvanimation, 1500K, 640X480 existence $150~
nothing $100~
wmvanimation, 700K, 320X240 existence $130~
nothing $80~
wmvanimation, 2000K, 640X480 existence $130~
nothing $80~
Sample production / editing cost wmvanimation, 300K, 640X480, around 5 minutes $30~
wmvanimation, 1500K, 640X480, around 10 minutes  
The still image capture cost JPEGsize is dependence, around 40 pieces $10~
image editing image choice, image revision, acting actress thumbnail $20~
animation comment production comment Around 100 characters $30~
Server data entry representation costs & Scene contents explanation Around 10 characters  
Animation server up representation cost $10~
Animation server up representation cost $5~
Data entry representation costs $5~
詳しい内容・資料をお求めの方はこちらまでお問い合わせ下さい。    ユーザーサポート
親切丁寧なカスタマーサポートをご利用下さい。   情報及びデジタル商材(著作物・著作権)の権利証明『米国著作権登録』もお任せください。
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